Pop-Up Film Fests

Bring Real Food Films to Your Community:

Host a Pop-Up Film Fest

Whether in your living room with friends, a brownbag lunch at your office, a city-wide bash at your local theater, or a college movie night – host your own screening party featuring the 2016 Top 10 Finalist short films of the Real Food Films Contest or any combo of the 70+ films in our free library.


  • A digital reel of the Top 10 Finalist Films from the 2016 Real Food Films Contest (total run time will be < 40 min)
  • A free library of over 70 films 4 minutes or less to mix and match your own program
  • An event listing on our website to promote – if your event is open to the public
  • 2016 Screening Guide to help you plan your screening, spark discussion and an Action Hub of resources to get involved in the issues raised in the 2016 finalist films



  • A venue to host the screening
  • A computer hook-up with A/V and a screen or projector
  • A captive audience



[button animation=”fadeInUp” link_url=”http://bit.ly/popups16″ title=”SIGN UP TO HOST” scroll=”true or false, to scroll to any section in current page” target=”_blank or _self” lightbox=”true or false, to open video links in lightbox, link in link_url” color=”change the text color of your button by adding hexcodes, #000000″ background=”change background color for button with hex codes, #ffd600″]